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ASLAN’s Mission Statement ASLAN is here to SERVE! Remodeling is our field of service; we want to give our clients the best of our abilities in their remodeling undertaking small and large. The client interests, not only satisfaction is our primary goal. We not only deliver a quality solution but we...


With ASLAN Design Services 3D photo realistic virtual design technology our customers can preview their project on a wide screen before it’s materialization. Now you can see EXACTLY how your new bathroom or kitchen will look like before you buy it.      


S.M.A.R.T. (S Y S T E M • M A N A G E M E N T • A C C O U N TA B L E • R E S U LT- O R I E N T E D • T I M E LY) To ensure that all projects; kitchen, bath or basement, undertaken by ASLAN are successfully completed, we have implemented a systematic Project Management approach to remodeling....


ASLAN is founded in the old-world, European tradition of quality craftsmanship and precision detail, coupled with the contemporary skills and technology of the modern remodeling industry. “CRAFTSMANSHIP is a relationship between the maker and the process of creation. It is not simply a set of skills...


Centrally located in the western suburbs of Chicago, ASLAN Design and Renovation Inc. is a community oriented business. we live and work here, our kids attend local schools. We believe in keeping as much business in the community as possible by using local suppliers and expert tradesmen. We also want...


Our effort to lessen our impact on environment: · improve all our processes to achieve “zero waste” production · recycling, scrap metal and paper collection · promoting water saving plumbing fixtures · promoting eco flooring materials · educating and promoting energy efficient solutions in remodeling ·...